Some other Thanksgiving 'firsts':
- First time to be away from home for Thanksgiving. It had to happen sometime! I called my family just after they had finished eating and I still had to finish the dessert I was making for our Thanksgiving. I missed them a lot.
- First time to go to a Thanksgiving Eve service. Hope Chapel put on an amazing service. The church was decorated in an enchanting way and my favorite part of it all was the hula. Every time we have a special occasion there is always hula and it is always my favorite. I like that every move means something and together it tells a story. It really is a beautiful and incredibly graceful dance.
- First time to make pumpkin muffins. :) Well, leave it to me to wait until the day of Thanksgiving to go to the grocery store. At least there were lots of other people there... it made me feel better for being so last minute. Of course they were out of canned pumpkin, EXCEPT in the last two Pumpkin Bread Kits left on the shelf. I contemplated buying the kit just for the canned pumpkin and still making pumpkin pie with that, but after so much time in the store I gave up on that idea and decided to make pumpkin muffins with cream cheese icing. They were good!
- First time to eat Thanksgiving meal with 25-30 other people. Compared to the max of about 12 people that are usually at our house it seemed like a whole lot! The interns were all invited to go to the Walshes home. Four of us went and the other four went to other homes. So Kim, Joshua, John and I all joined the Walshes and several other families, including the Kims. The Kims are a family I've gotten to know pretty well since I've been here. Their daughter Kaimilani is in tweens and her mom Stephanie is always inviting me over to make jewelry with her (she has more beads than all the beads I've ever seen combined! And she makes beautiful jewelry). I love hanging out with the Kims. It was was truly a blessing to be invited to this Thanksgiving!
First time to hang around outside on Thanksgiving, let alone eat our Thanksgiving meal outside! Obviously it makes sense when you live in Maui and the weather was perfect for a meal outside. Usually I put on nice pants and a sweater for my Thanksgiving outfit, but this time I wore a dress... outside.
First time to get made fun of for "dressing up" on Thanksgiving. :) Dressing up was wearing a fairly casual, in my opinion, dress - nothing fancy. I definitely wasn't the only one to wear a dress, but it did get commented on. I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt and that would not have gotten commented on. Hilarious!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Countdown till home: 3 weeks and 1 day